Food consumption in Egypt , Developed zone under wheat crop declined during period I by a yearly 1.31 %. Nonetheless, in period II, it developed at a critical yearly pace of 3.59 %. Yield recorded exceptionally huge development paces of 4.52 % and 2.19 % during period I and period II, separately. Under the joined impact of developed territory and yield, the development pace of creation appeared a critical expansion in period II, where it developed by 5.97 %, while it stayed stale in period I. Despite the fact that the development rate in yield was huge in period I, it couldn’t balance the declining pattern of region which brought about staleness of creation during this period.
Food consumption in Egypt
Developed region under this harvest indicated a stale situation during period I, its yield additionally stayed stale bringing about dormancy in rice creation. During period II, the developed zone was exceptionally huge with a yearly development pace of 4.27 %. Under the effect of present day innovation and farming change strategy, yield of this harvest recorded a critical yearly development pace of 2.73 %. Coming about because of the joined impact of both the powers, the creation likewise developed at a critical yearly pace of 6.79 %. In spite of the fact that zone and yield contributed fundamentally to an expansion underway levels in period II, they brought about dormancy in rice creation in period I.

In the two periods developed region under potatoes stayed stale. During period I, yield developed at a huge yearly pace of 3.21 % and creation additionally demonstrated a huge yearly development pace of 5.63 % where the yield contributed altogether to an expansion of the creation level in this period balancing the dormancy pattern of zone. During period II, creation of potatoes stayed stale; it could be because of the way that efficiency was least and developed region stayed stale.
During period I, developed zone under citrus crop developed at a huge yearly pace of 3.71 %, the yield development rate was additionally profoundly huge at 3.25 %. Under the joined impact of the two powers, the yearly development pace of creation indicated a huge increment at 6.89 % during this period. It has been seen during period II, that the development rate for the developed zone under citrus was exceptionally huge at 3.84 %, while its yield declined at a critical yearly pace of 1.91 %. Under the joined impact of region and yield, the creation of citrus developed at a huge yearly pace of 2 %, where the yearly development rate in developed region could counterbalance the declining pattern of yield, which brought about a huge yearly development underway during period II. The yearly development rate in citrus creation in period I was a lot higher than in period II

During period I, developed territory under tomatoes developed at a critical yearly pace of 3.09 %; its yield additionally enrolled a huge yearly development at 7.54 %. Coming about because of the effect of highyielding assortments territory and yield, creation recorded a huge yearly development pace of 10.85 % during this period. During period II, a comparative pattern has been noticed; the region under this harvest developed at a huge yearly pace of 1.46 %. Its yield likewise expanded account a huge yearly development rate at 2.92 %. Under the joined impact of region and yield, the yearly development pace of creation indicated a critical increment at 4.52 % where the yield offered more than the zone to development in tomatoes creation.
Red Meat
A basic straight pattern shows that red meat creation, during period I, expanded by a critical yearly development pace of 7.47 %. The time pattern variable is huge at the 0.01 likelihood level and it clarifies 92 % of the variety underway of this ware. During period II, the consequences of the straightforward pattern investigation show that the creation of red meat expanded at a yearly development pace of 1.74 %. The time pattern variable isn’t critical. Just 22 % of the variety in the red meat creation is clarified when pattern factor.

An expanding pattern has been noticed for creation of sugar during period I viable. It expanded fundamentally at a yearly development pace of 4.84 %. The 2 R esteem shows that 78 % of the variety in the sugar creation is clarified when factor. During period II, the creation of this food item likewise expanded by a yearly development