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Magical benefits of herbs

types of herbsrosemaryBenefits and uses of herbs

Natural herbs add taste, color, and aroma to food, in addition, they have health benefits for the body; It has been revealed in alternative medicine since ancient times, and modern attempts to confirm this; To get it more herbs contain large amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin K.


It is important to cook food with herbs and spices regularly and collect them at the same time if possible; Herbs such as basil and spices such as cinnamon are both used to flavor food. Research has shown that cinnamon is rich in healthy compounds that reduce inflammation and damage to body cells. It is also rich in phytochemical compounds and contributes to reducing the addition of salt and sugar to food. Thanks to its unique flavor.

Spices and herbs have been widely used since ancient times, and many of their medicinal properties were confirmed even before they were used in cooking. While modern science has shown many benefits of natural herbs with health benefits.


Types of herbs and their benefits

Ginger: Ginger, which is one of the most important types of medicinal herbs, contains aromatic ketones (a group of organic compounds) known as gingerol, which is responsible for the spicy taste of ginger and its digestive stimulant qualities.

The benefits of ginger are many, it is used to treat nausea and vomiting, especially in pregnant women, diarrhea, abdominal pain, toothache, and rheumatism, in addition to that it is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and cancerous.

It has anti-inflammatory and anti-infective properties, thus helping to relieve joint inflammation, regulate blood sugar and relieve chronic indigestion.

Ginger can also relieve menstrual pain, help reduce cholesterol in the blood, and contribute to improving brain function and preventing Alzheimer’s disease.

Parsley: Parsley is one of the three best medicinal herbs (along with garlic and nettle). It has long been used as a medicine; Due to its richness in vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, it has healing properties for diseases of the heart, kidneys, digestive system, and gynecology.

Garlic: For hundreds of years garlic has enjoyed an important and distinguished position in nutrition and medicine. It can help reduce the risk of heart disease and can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol.


Garlic contributes to strengthening the immune system, resisting viruses, bacteria, and fungi, reducing the risk of cancer, relieving dental and ear pain, and helping to relieve cough and nasal congestion.

Thanks to its advantages, which include blocking the enzymes that have a function in the production of fats in the blood, garlic helps reduce the work of platelets. Its main advantage is its antioxidant activity, which protects against cardiovascular diseases, and it is the most widely used alternative medication for diabetics.

Finally, garlic was used in various civilizations to prevent influenza and upper respiratory diseases.

Nettle: One of the important medicinal herbs in its benefits, which helps to clean the body, treat infections and intestinal pain, irritable bowel, and liver diseases, urinary tract infections, and kidney and skin problems.

Licorice: sweet taste, characterized by the qualities of strengthening the digestive system and fighting infections. Although it is very safe to use, the exact dosage is required; To obtain the required efficacy, it is not recommended for patients with high blood pressure.

Mint: a popular herb with a distinctive and fragrant smell. This plant is known in folk medicine as a stimulant and antiseptic, and is considered useful for strengthening the gums, getting rid of gases, relieving stomach pain, strengthening sexual ability, discouraging cancer, as well as relieving headache and joint pain, and is considered a treatment for eye inflammation, cough, nausea, weakness, and fatigue.

It helps to get rid of digestive problems such as gas and indigestion, and may also contribute to relieving pain and muscle spasms; Because it contains menthol.

Turmeric: It is used in Chinese medicine to treat many diseases, including fever, pain, and infections.

The consumption of turmeric in India is the highest in the world, while their cancer prevalence is among the lowest in the world, and it is not clear whether there is a direct link between them, but many studies have shown that curcumin, the main compound in turmeric, has an anti-cancer effect, especially breast cancer. , pancreas, colon, and prostate.

Rosemary: Rich in antioxidants, it helps protect cells from deterioration and improve brain function.

Rosemary contains rosmarinic acid, which helps relieve allergies and nasal congestion, plus it helps boost the immune system, fight bacteria, improve mood, and relieve stress.

Helps relieve pain and inflammation and stimulates blood circulation. It is a rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory, which can help improve blood circulation and strengthen the immune system. It is also a good source of calcium, iron, and vitamin B6.

Wild thyme: a rich source of vitamins; Like vitamin A, and vitamin C, and minerals such as zinc, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, copper, and manganese. In addition, it helps treat colds and nasal congestion, relieve menstrual pain, get rid of intestinal parasites, and improve heart health.

Chamomile: is known for its anti-stress properties; Because it helps to relax and rest, relieve symptoms of depression, help sleep, and relieve stomach pain.

Basil: provides the body with many healthy properties and beneficial plant compounds, such as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory.



Egypt’s exports of medicinal herbs and plants


According to statistics, the Egyptian exports of flowers, ornamental plants, and medicinal and aromatic plants, which were exported in the 12018-2019 season, amounted to about 188.6 million dollars.

79,000 tons of medicinal and aromatic plants were exported, with a value of 138.5 million dollars, to many Arab and European countries.

About 48,000 tons of medicinal and aromatic plants were exported at a value of about $81.1 million during the previous export season, which started in September 2019 and ended at the end of August 2020.

Exports are fresh or collected from fields, dried, and prepared for export in accordance with European or other agreements and standards.

The total number of medicinal and aromatic plants in Egypt is about 2,500 species, of which 40 species are widely traded, especially for export, which represents 95%, and what is consumed locally is about 5%.


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