Trans Egypt for Import and Export Transport in Egypt is focused in Cairo and to a great extent follows the example of settlement along the Nile. The Ministry of Transportation and other government bodies are answerable for transportation in Egypt, regardless of whether via ocean, land or air.
Concerning rail, air and stream travel, the principle line of the country’s rail framework tracks with the Nile waterway and is worked by Egyptian National Railways. Notwithstanding abroad courses, Egypt Air gives homegrown air administration to significant vacationer locations from its Cairo center. The Nile River framework (around 1,600 km or 1,000 mi) and the chief waterways (1,600 km.) are significant locally for transportation. Individuals actually travel by means of the Nile, essentially among Cairo and Aswan. The Suez Canal is a significant stream for global business and route, connecting the Mediterranean and Red Sea. Significant ports are Alexandria, Port Said, Damietta on the Mediterranean and Suez and Safaga on the Red Sea.
Concerning driving, Egypt has probably the most elevated episode of street fatalities, per miles driven, in the world. The gravely kept up street network has extended quickly to more than 21,000 miles, covering the Nile Valley and Nile Delta, Mediterranean and Red Sea drifts, the Sinai and the Western desert garden. Traffic rules are regularly disregarded by fretful drivers.
Trans Egypt for Import and Export

Two courses in the Trans-African Highway network begin in Cairo. Egypt additionally has different thruway joins with Asia through the Arab Mashreq International Road Network. Egypt has a creating motorway organization, associating Cairo with Alexandria and different urban communities. Despite the fact that a large portion of the vehicle in the nation is as yet done on the public thruways, motorways are turning out to be progressively an alternative in street transport inside the nation. The current motorways in the nation are:
- Cairo – Alexandria Desert Road: It runs among Cairo and Alexandria, with an augmentation of 215 km, it is the principle motorway in Egypt.
- Worldwide Coastal Road: It runs from Alexandria to Port Said, along the Northern Nile Delta. It has a length of 280 km. Additionally, among different urban communities, it interfaces Damietta and Baltim.
- Geish Road: It runs among Helwan and Asyut, along the Nile River, additionally interfacing Beni Suef and Minya. Its length is 306 km.
- Ring Road: It fills in as an inward ring-street for Cairo. It has a length of 103 km.
- Provincial Ring Road: It fills in as an external ring street for Cairo, additionally associating its rural areas like Helwan and tenth of Ramadan City. Its length is 130 km.
Besides, Egypt has built up a broad arrangement of 4-path interstates that can be delegated expressways, since they fill in as ordinary streets and don’t separate the traffic on it, accordingly delivering them more slow than motorways.
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The Egyptian railroad framework is the most established rail route network in Africa and the Middle East. The principal line among Alexandria and Kafer Eassa was opened in 1854. In 2018, the framework is around 5,085 km long and is worked by the Egyptian National Railways. ENR conveys around 800 million travelers and 12 million tons of cargo every year.
A significant speculation program was intended to start in 2007 with the point of modernizing the rail organization and improving wellbeing standards. Trains are normally a sheltered methods for transportation in Egypt.
The city of Cairo is served by the Cairo Metro, which is controlled by the National Authority for Tunnels. Notwithstanding the city of Alexandria that is served by the Alexandria Tram

There are 3,500 km of streams in Egypt, including the Nile, Lake Nasser, Alexandria-Cairo Waterway, and numerous more modest channels in the Nile Delta.
The Suez Canal, 193.5 km (counting draws near), is utilized by oceangoing vessels, attracting up to 17.68 m of water (2011).
Egypt has 15 business ports and 29 specific ports. The specific ports incorporate 5 traveler seaports, 12 oil seaports, 6 mining seaports, and 6 fishing seaports.
- Business Ports
- Alexandria Port
- El-Dekheila Port
- Damietta Port
- Port Said Port
- East Port Said Port
- Arish Port
- Suez Port
- Oil Dock Port
- Adabiya Port
- Sokhna Port
- Nuwaiba Port
- Al-Tour Port
- Sharm El Sheik Port
- Hurghada Port
- Safaga Port