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Yorka Lemons


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Yorka Lemons are typically round or oval and range from 72, 80, 88, 100, 113, 125, 138, and 150 lemons in a box. Their skin is smooth and glossy, ranging from a pale yellow to a deep green, depending on the variety. The flesh of a lemon is divided into segments, each containing a small, sour pulp and a few seeds.

Packaging: open top box 15 kg.

Price per box Exwork.


Yorka Lemons, the bright yellow citrus fruits with a tart and tangy flavour, are more than just a culinary staple. They are packed with nutrients and offer a wealth of health benefits. From refreshing beverages to zesty desserts, lemons add a burst of flavour and vitality to our lives.
Lemons in general are a special device that grows in the form of a tree. It has a black flower, a refreshing scent, and green-textured leaves. The original homeland of the lemon is Pakistan, and it has many species, including the Yorka lemon.

Health Benefits of Lemons

Lemons have been used for centuries in traditional medicine for various health benefits. Modern research has confirmed many of these benefits, including:
Boosting Immunity: Vitamin C and antioxidants in lemons help strengthen the immune system and protect against infections.
Promoting Digestive Health: Lemons stimulate the production of digestive juices and aid in proper digestion.
Enhancing Skin Health: Vitamin C and antioxidants in lemons promote collagen production, keeping skin healthy and youthful.
Reducing the Risk of Kidney Stones: Citric acid in lemons may help prevent the formation of kidney stones.
Lowering Blood Pressure: Potassium in lemons may help regulate blood pressure levels.

Culinary Uses of Lemons

The culinary versatility of lemons knows no bounds. Their tart and tangy flavour enhances a wide range of dishes, from savoury to sweet. Here are some popular ways to use lemons in your cooking:
Adding Zest and Juice to Dishes: Lemon zest and juice add a bright flavour to marinades, sauces, dressings, and baked goods.
Making Lemon Drinks: Lemonade, iced tea, and lemon-infused water are refreshing and invigorating beverages.
Preserving Foods: Lemon juice is used to preserve fruits and vegetables, preventing discolouration and spoilage.

Yorka Lemons

 Medicinal Uses of Lemons

Lemons have long been used in traditional medicine for their therapeutic properties. Some common medicinal uses of lemons include:
Relieving Sore Throat: Gargling with warm lemon water can soothe a sore throat and reduce inflammation.
Easing Nausea: Lemon juice or lemon-infused water can help settle an upset stomach and alleviate nausea.
Promoting Wound Healing: Vitamin C in lemons supports wound healing and tissue regeneration.
Improving Oral Health: Lemon juice can be used as a natural mouthwash to freshen breath and promote oral hygiene.

Growing Lemon Trees in Egypt

Egypt’s Mediterranean climate provides ideal conditions for growing lemon trees. The Nile River valley and the coastal regions offer fertile soil, abundant sunshine, and warm temperatures, all essential for lemon cultivation.

Planting and Care

Lemon trees are typically planted in the spring or fall. They prefer well-drained soil with a slightly acidic pH. Regular watering, especially during dry periods, is crucial for healthy growth. Lemon trees also require regular pruning to maintain shape and encourage fruit production.


Lemons are typically harvested from November to May, depending on the variety. The fruits are ready to pick when they reach a uniform colour and have a slightly soft texture.


Lemon-Garlic Chicken: This classic dish is simple to prepare and bursts with flavor. Lemon juice and garlic combine to create a zesty marinade that infuses the chicken with deliciousness.
Lemon Ricotta Pasta: This creamy pasta dish is perfect for a light and refreshing meal. The ricotta cheese provides a smooth texture, while the lemon zest and juice add a touch of acidity.

Royal Harvest and A Partnership for Success

Royal Harvest and Mosader are two leading companies in the Egyptian agricultural sector. Royal Harvest is a leading exporter of fresh fruits and vegetables, while Mosader is a leading marketing and export company. The two companies have partnered together to create a powerful force in the global agricultural market.
Royal Harvest has a long history of success in exporting Egyptian agricultural products. The company has a strong network of growers and suppliers, and it has a proven track record of delivering high-quality products to customers around the world. Mosader has a deep understanding of the global market, and it has a strong track record of success in marketing and exporting Egyptian products.
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